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Two Bikes One World: From Berlin to Peking

Anja und Gnubbi / Two Bikes One World
Anja und Gnubbi / Two Bikes One World copyright© Anja und Gnubbi

Starting in May 2018, we embark on our big bicycle adventure: Across Europe and Asia and even further, when the ‘wanderlust’ keeps us in our saddles. We, that are Anja and Gnubbi from Leipzig and Berlin – on the way to unknown places and ready to meet other souls. Our vision of a bike world trip had been laying deep within us for a long time, until we met each other and finally discovered our common dream. From Berlin to China on two wheels – over 15.000 km’s to make in a year or two. This will not only be a journey from A to B. – With all its ups and downs it will push us at our personal edges. On the one side our bodies feeling the headwind we have to beat, mountain tops we have to overcome and floods we have to cross. And on the other side our heads taking loads of decisions, relating personal space and keeping the harmony amongst us.

Thus far the plan, and we want to go one step further. We have set up several goals for our trip to distinguish ourselves from other bicycle travelers around the world. We wanted to build it all up on our own, so we looked for retro bicycles from the 80’s and 90’s and – how lucky – we found them! On top, we are going to eat vegan, try to live on a budget and get in contact with ecological communities and work in environmental projects. Not using a plane will also avoid more pollution.

We are convinced that traveling by bicycle has several advantages for us. We stay in shape because of daily workout. We don’t need fuel to move, nor do we produce emissions. That saves us money and the environment will be saved. We can also ride along small paths that car drivers couldn’t ever take. On our journey, we are fast and slow at the same time: as fast as we can beat 50 to 100 km’s, but also slow enough to feel the temperature and landscape change. Our shelter and daily needs are carried under our bottoms, we don’t have to bear them on the shoulders. As we sleep in the tent or under the sky, we keep the contact to mother earth and save money, too.

We are filled with joy to discover the world in this way and want to thank everyone who helped to make that dream become reality – Anja & Gnubbi

You can follow our adventure on the following social media platforms:

Website: http://2bikes1world.de

Instagram: @2bikes1world

Facebook: @twobikesoneworld


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